Tuesday, April 15, 2008


How to pour the perfect Black and Tan:

1 Guinness Draught can of beer
1 Bass Pale Ale
2 glasses
1 large spoon (the head should be able to fit inside the glass)

Pour the Bass first... you want to fill about half the glass and make it as frothy as possible - I think the head dampens the impact of the Guinness when it's poured.
Then, place the spoon (with the convex side up) in the glass, touching the end of the spoon to the side of the glass.
Pour the Guinness SLOWLY over the top of the spoon - I tilted the spoon so that most of the Guinness rolls down the side of the glass from the spoon head.


sgvarghese said...

Beautiful- will definitely try it. What is the second glass for? (Another person?) And do you have the convex side of the spoon up and away from the side of the glass or leaning against (i.e., is it the convex or concave side that touches the side)?

awindowilde said...

Yep, 2nd glass will be needed because theres enough for two... I'll try to post a picture of it being poured whenever I get around to doing it again... soon I hope :o)